
China Light Tank
X tier
WZ-132-1 в World of Tanks Blitz
X tier / Light Tank / China / Not Premium

Best players

Only tanks with at least 100 battles take part in rating. 97 vehicles total.

Best by ER

# Player Games Victories ER
1 dylo456 100 73% 2648
2 MatwayDallas 225 64% 2472
3 agrigat555 662 71% 2257
4 twink_exxtaz 256 64% 2233
5 REVOS0S 119 75% 2121
6 nogepl..nuBo 116 54% 2109
7 ex_Iibris 150 71% 2097
8 ShadowRevolt 292 68% 2088
9 awaertxd 415 70% 2080
10 madamaaa 291 66% 2076

Best by WN7

# Player Games Victories WN7
1 dylo456 100 73% 2607
2 MatwayDallas 225 64% 2346
3 agrigat555 662 71% 2312
4 twink_exxtaz 256 64% 2240
5 _c0nfusi0n 155 72% 2237
6 REVOS0S 119 75% 2192
7 ex_Iibris 150 71% 2177
8 Nazarxxl 228 74% 2165
9 awaertxd 415 70% 2164
10 ShadowRevolt 292 68% 2160

Best by MGR

# Player Games Victories MGR
1 dylo456 100 73% 76.308
2 agrigat555 662 71% 69.018
3 _c0nfusi0n 155 72% 68.848
4 ex_Iibris 150 71% 66.991
5 awaertxd 415 70% 66.440
6 Nazarxxl 228 74% 65.056
7 REVOS0S 119 75% 63.891
8 MatwayDallas 225 64% 63.328
9 KakJeYaOrU 1436 69% 62.767
10 ReIevant 100 72% 62.360
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Average tank indicators

Calculated only among the tanks, on which at least 100 battles were held. Total processed 97 vehicles.
Victories %DamageSpottedEnemies destroyedDefenseK/damK/destr
61.161 2654.051 2.047 1.259 0.893 1.837 2.719
Please sign in to compare your performance with the average