[M4A3] Shermanators

Created: 29.12.2015
Commander: Sherman2005
Not registered on site

The Shermanators are the new Terminators

We are the Shermanators, we use any Sherman tanks, M4, M4A3E8, M4A3E2, Fury, and all the other Shermans that existed
Average damage


Average winrate


5 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Sherman2005 Commander 3047 days 520 48
SnatchSatchel Executive Officer 2984 days 149 40
Player_7924381672 Private 244 days 588 66
Fonyc Private 421 day 746 54
serpent_197 Private 419 days 493 57
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 2675 2039689
Sherman2005 1475 1182355
SnatchSatchel 98 34603
Player_7924381672 79 34705
Fonyc 877 697298
serpent_197 146 90728
Total 2675 2039689